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Rabu, 09 Mei 2012

Education in the Republic of Ireland

            The levels of education in Ireland are primary, secondary and higher (often known as "third-level") education. In recent years further education has grown immensely. Growth in the economy since the 1960s has driven much of the change in the education system. Education in Ireland is free at all levels, including college (university), but only for students applying from the European Union. For Universities there are Student Services Fees (up to €2,000 in 2011) which students are required to pay on registration, to cover examinations, insurance and registration costs.
            The Department of Education and Skills, under the control of the Minister for Education and Skills, is in overall control of policy, funding and direction, whilst other important organisations are the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland, the Higher Education Authority, and on a local level the Vocational Education Committees are the only comprehensive system of government organisation. There are many other statutory and non-statutory bodies which have a function in the education system. The current Minister for Education is Ruairi Quinn.
            All children must receive compulsory education between the ages of six and fifteen years, and all children up to the age of eighteen must complete the three years of post-primary. The Constitution of Ireland allows this education to be provided in the home; this has caused much legal wrangling for years as to the minimum standards required for home education since the constitution does not explicitly provide for the State to define these minimum standards.
            In 1973 the requirement to pass the Irish language in order to receive a second-level certificate was dropped although a student attending a school which receives public money must be taught the language. Certain students may get an exemption from learning Irish; these include students who have spent a significant period of time abroad or students with a learning difficulty.
            English is the primary medium of instruction at all levels, except in Gaelscoileanna: schools in which Irish is the working language and which are increasingly popular. Universities also offer degree programmes in diverse disciplines, taught mostly through English, with a few in Irish. Some universities also offer some courses partly through other languages such as French, German or Spanish.
            Education is compulsory for all children in Ireland from the ages of six to 16 or until students have completed three years of second level education and including one sitting of the Junior Certificate examination although it is most common to start primary education aged four or five.

Sabtu, 05 Mei 2012


Gambar kakek-kakek yang sedang menjual balon kokek-kokek
Makassar, 20 April 2012. Saat matahari mulai menampakkan sinarnya, ku telah berada di depan leptop untuk menyelesaikan tugas yang sangat menumpuk. Saat saya sedang sibuk berdiskusi dengan leptop saya, tiba-tiba kakakku dewi datang menghampiri. “dek, temani ka dulu pergi toko beli tehel tuk wc” tuturnya dengan sambil memegang bahuku. Akupun bergegas menutup leptopku dan segera memakai jilbab abu-abu yang sering saya gunakan.
Bunyi klakson motor kakakku pun terus berbunyi sebagai tanda panggilannya kepadaku dan dengan langkah yang tergesah-gesah ku ayunkan kakiku menuju motor yang sedang ditumpangi kakakku. Saat berada di atas motor, yang ku pikirkan iyalah toko itu berada di dekat rumah yang berada di hertasning dimana ayah dan ibuku bertedu dari langit.
Sekitar sepuluh menit di atas motor, ternyata dugaan saya salah. Bukannya ke jalan hertasning baru malah ke arah vetran. Saat di jalanan, ku lihat seorang kakek tua berkulit hitam akibat trik matahari yang menyiram. Ia berjalan mengenakan sandal jepit yang kelihatannya sudah sangat tua dan membawa enam balon yang kelihatannya sangat kecil dan menurutku tak laku untuk dijual. Balon itu akrab disebut “Kokek-kokek” di Makassar. Beliau berjalan terus-menerus menjajakan barangnya dengan pandangan mata yang kosong.
Tak sedetikpun kualihkan pandanganku dari kakek tua itu. Akhirnya roda motor yang dikendarai kakakkupun berhenti berputar. Ku biarkan kakakku masuk ke toko sendirian meyelesaikan apa yang ia ingin kerjakan dan saya tetap duduk diatas motor sambil berharap kakek itu melewati tempat saya berpijak. Dua puluh menitpun berlalu, harapan datangnya kakek itupun mulai sirna. Tapi tiba-tiba ku lihat hadirnya dibalik mobil yang sejak tadi menghalangi pandanganku tuk melihat lurus jauh kedepan. Tak terlalu jauh dariku, ku lihat dia melangkah sedikit demi sedikit, dia berjalan tidak seperti kebanyakan orang, langkanya begitu kecil dan dengan melihatnya berjalan, saya dapat merasakan betapa sulitnya menggerakkan kakinya. Ia berjalan layaknya robot yang tidak memiliki engsel, “Mungkin tulang engselnya sakit” pikirku.