Rabu, 09 Mei 2012

Education in the Republic of Ireland

            The levels of education in Ireland are primary, secondary and higher (often known as "third-level") education. In recent years further education has grown immensely. Growth in the economy since the 1960s has driven much of the change in the education system. Education in Ireland is free at all levels, including college (university), but only for students applying from the European Union. For Universities there are Student Services Fees (up to €2,000 in 2011) which students are required to pay on registration, to cover examinations, insurance and registration costs.
            The Department of Education and Skills, under the control of the Minister for Education and Skills, is in overall control of policy, funding and direction, whilst other important organisations are the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland, the Higher Education Authority, and on a local level the Vocational Education Committees are the only comprehensive system of government organisation. There are many other statutory and non-statutory bodies which have a function in the education system. The current Minister for Education is Ruairi Quinn.
            All children must receive compulsory education between the ages of six and fifteen years, and all children up to the age of eighteen must complete the three years of post-primary. The Constitution of Ireland allows this education to be provided in the home; this has caused much legal wrangling for years as to the minimum standards required for home education since the constitution does not explicitly provide for the State to define these minimum standards.
            In 1973 the requirement to pass the Irish language in order to receive a second-level certificate was dropped although a student attending a school which receives public money must be taught the language. Certain students may get an exemption from learning Irish; these include students who have spent a significant period of time abroad or students with a learning difficulty.
            English is the primary medium of instruction at all levels, except in Gaelscoileanna: schools in which Irish is the working language and which are increasingly popular. Universities also offer degree programmes in diverse disciplines, taught mostly through English, with a few in Irish. Some universities also offer some courses partly through other languages such as French, German or Spanish.
            Education is compulsory for all children in Ireland from the ages of six to 16 or until students have completed three years of second level education and including one sitting of the Junior Certificate examination although it is most common to start primary education aged four or five.
            Children are typically enrolled in the Junior Infant class at the age of either four or five depending on the wishes of their parents and the policy of the school. Some schools require the child to have attained the age of four before a specific date in order to enroll. Otherwise, the child must seek a place in a different school or wait until the next year to enroll.
            Pre-school is optional in Ireland and takes the form of a number of privately run crèches, play-schools and Montessori schools, which children attend for one year or two, at ages three and/or four. Parents must pay to send their child to these institutions using their own earnings and any child allowance they receive from the government. From 2009 onwards children are entitled to a year of free pre-schooling in the year prior to starting primary schools under the "Early Childcare and Education Scheme".
            There are Irish language medium Naíonraí which are growing rapidly all across Ireland. Nearly 4,000 preschoolers attend 278 preschool groups.

The levels of education

Primary School (Bunscoil)

  • Junior Infants (Naíonáin Shóisearacha) (age 4-5)
  • Senior Infants (Naíonáin Shinsearacha) (age 5-6)
  • First Class (Rang a hAon) (age 6-7)
  • Second Class (Rang a Dó) (age 7-8)
  • Third Class (Rang a Trí) (age 8-9)
  • Fourth Class (Rang a Ceathar) (age 9-10)
  • Fifth Class (Rang a Cúig) (age 10-11)
  • Sixth Class (Rang a Sé) (age 11-12)

Secondary School (Meánscoil)

Junior Cycle (Timthriall Sóisearach)
  • First Year (An Chéad Bhliain) (age 12–13)
  • Second Year (An Dara Bliain) (age 13–14)
  • Third Year (An Tríú Bliain) (age 14–15) – The Junior Certificate (Teastas Sóisearach) Examination is sat in all subjects (usually 10 or 11) in early June. Many schools have Mocks (also known as 'Pre's) to prepare students around February. The Mocks are not State examinations — independent companies provide the exam papers etc. – and are therefore not mandatory across all schools.
Transition Year (Idirbhliain)
  • Transition Year (Idirbhliain) (age 15–16) – optional in some schools, compulsory in others — Otherwise not available.)
Senior Cycle (Timthriall Sinsearach)
  • Fifth Year (An Cúigiú Bliain) (age 16–17 or if transition year is skipped age 15–16)
  • Sixth Year (An Séú Bliain) (age 17–18 or, again, if transition year is skipped age 16–17) – The Leaving Certificate (Ardteistiméireacht) examinations begin on the first Wednesday after the June bank holiday every year. Many schools have Mocks (also known as 'Pre's) to prepare students around February. The Mocks are not State examinations — independent companies provide the exam papers etc. – and are therefore not mandatory across all schools.

Primary education

            The Primary School Curriculum (1999) is taught in all schools. The document is prepared by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment and is perhaps unusual in leaving to church authorities (usually the Catholic Church but not universally) the formulation and implementation of the religious curriculum in the schools they control. The curriculum seeks to celebrate the uniqueness of the child:
...as it is expressed in each child's personality, intelligence and potential for development. It is designed to nurture the child in all dimensions of his or her life -- spiritual, moral, cognitive, emotional, imaginative, aesthetic, social and physical...
            The Primary Certificate Examination (1929–1967) was the terminal examination at this level until the first primary school curriculum, Curaclam na Bunscoile (1971), was introduced, though informal standardized tests are still performed. The primary school system consists of eight years: Junior and Senior Infants (corresponding to kindergarten), and First to Sixth Classes. Most children attend primary school between the ages of 4 and 12 although it is not compulsory until the age of 6. A minority of children start school at 3.

Types of school

Primary education is generally completed at a national school, a multidenominational school, a gaelscoil or a preparatory school.
  • National schools date back to the introduction of state primary education in 1831. They are usually controlled by a board of management under diocesan patronage and often include a local clergyman.[9][10] The term "national school" has of late become partly synonymous with primary school in some parts. Recently, there have been calls from many sides for fresh thinking in the areas of funding and governance for such schools, with a few wanting them to be fully secularised.[11]
  • Gaelscoilenna are a recent movement, started in the mid 20th century. The Irish language is the working language in these schools and they can now be found countrywide. They differ from Irish-language National Schools in that most are under the patronage of a voluntary organisation, Foras Pátrúnachta na Scoileanna Lán-Ghaeilge, rather than a diocesan patronage.[9] Nearly 10% of all school children attend Gaelscoils with 368 primary and post-primary schools across the country making it the fastest growing education sector.
  • Multidenominational schools are another innovation. They are generally under the patronage of a non-profit limited company without share capital. They are often opened due to parental demand and students from all religions and backgrounds are welcome. Many are under the patronage of a voluntary organisation, Educate Together. At least one proposed school has been approved under the patronage of the regional VEC, who generally run vocational secondary schools.
  • Preparatory schools are independent, fee-paying primary schools that are not reliant on the state for funding. These typically serve to prepare children for entry to fee-paying independent or voluntary secondary schools. Most are under the patronage of a religious order.

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